Latest Trends to Optimize a Website for Better Speed

There are two possible ways to direct visitors to your website. First of all, the visitors directly write the URL of your website on any search engine. Secondly, the visitors can also be directed to your website by clicking on the link of your website. The speed of your website means how fast your website will load when a visitor clicks on the link of your website or he/she directly type the URL of your website. The better speed of your website plays a vital role in the SEO of your website. The latest trends to optimize a website for better speed are given below;


Minimize HTTP Requests:

According to Yahoo, more than 80% of the load time of a web page is spent to download different parts of the page like images and scripts etc. For this reason, the HTTP request is made and it makes it harder for the website to render pages quickly. You can easily get an idea about the HTTP requests of your website by taking an overview of the Develop Tools of your browser. You can easily increase the loading speed of your website by decreasing these HTTP requests.


Minify and Combine Files:

HTML, CSS and JavaScript files are the most important files of your website. Its reason is that these files determine the appearance of your website. These files also add some requests to your website. Due to requests of these files, the speed of your website will also be decreased. Nowadays, the best way to optimize a website speed is to minify and combine these files. After minifying and combining these files, the sizes of the files will be reduced and the total number of files will also be reduced. As a result, the speed of a website will be increased.


Use Asynchronous Loading for CSS and JavaScript Files:

After minifying and combining the files, the next step is to optimize a website in the way of loading your web pages. In the coding of a website, you have to use CSS and JavaScript files. These CSS and JavaScript files are loaded in two possible ways. First, these files are loaded synchronously and secondly, these files are loaded asynchronously. If the script of your website is loaded synchronously, they put the load on your website and the speed of your website will be decreased. On the other hand, if the script of your website is loaded asynchronously, the files on your website will load simultaneously. It means that the speed of your website will be increased.


Defer JavaScript Loading:

If you don’t defer the loading of larger files like JavaScript, it means that you are allowing the larger files and smaller files on your website to load simultaneously. It will also decrease the speed of your website. On the other hand, if you will defer these larger files, the rest of your content will load without any delay. This will decrease the speed of your website. If you have maintained your website on WordPress, you can easily defer these larger files just by installing WP Rocket plugin.


Minimize Time to First Byte:

In the previous points, we have discussed only the time which is required to fully load the page of a website but we have not discussed the time which is required to start loading. TTFB or Time to First Byte is that time which is required by a browser to get the first byte of data from the server of your website. According to Google, this time should be less than 200 ms. This is the server-side concern. DNS lookup, server processing and response are three major steps between the initial request and first byte of data of a website. If you have maintained a website on WordPress, you can easily solve this problem by creating dynamic pages.


Reduce Server Response Time:

The DNS lookup time plays a vital role in determining the speed of your website. If you have purchased the domain name for your website from a fastest DNS provider, it means that the speed of your website will be fast. On the other hand, if you have purchased the domain name of your website from a slower DNS provider, the speed of your website will be slower and you will have to consider for a fastest DNS provider. Its reason is that when a user searches your website, the browser locates your website in the DNS provider. If it takes less time to respond, the speed of your website will be higher. On the other hand, if it takes more time to respond, the speed of your website will be slower.


Choose the Right Hosting Option:

In the beginning, most of the people try to buy the cheapest hosting for their websites. Its reason is that in the beginning, they have to face lots of problems like they have uncertainty about getting success and they don’t have enough money. In the beginning, the cheapest hosting may work for a website but when a website is getting more and more traffic, it is the better tip for the website owner to consider for a legitimate hosting provider. Its reason is that after buying the hosting from a legitimate hosting provider, they can easily increase the speed of their website.


Reduce Image Size:

Nowadays, almost all the websites owners are using images in their blog posts. Its reason is that these images play a vital role in the SEO of a website. Therefore, instead of using high quality and large images, the website owners reduce the size of images. By reducing the size of images, the website owners can also boost up the speed of their websites.



The speed of a website plays a vital role in the ranking of a website or any business like dissertation writing services. Moreover, the speed of a website also plays a vital role to urge visitors to spend more and more time on your website. Its reason is that if the speed of your website is faster, the visitors find it easy to browse different pages on your website. On the other hand, if your website takes lots of time to load pages, the visitors will move to other websites. Some latest trends to optimize a website for better speed are to minimize HTTP requests, to minify and combine the files, to asynchronous loading for CSS and JavaScript files, to reduce the server response time and to choose the right hosting option.