Do You Know About Your Tyre’s Brown Sidewall? If Not, Come Get A Clear Idea About It

A lot of car owners are confused about what they must look for or feel while inspecting their car tyres during a routine check-up. Car drivers and owners must be educated enough to be aware of the symptoms and signs of unhealthy tyres and ensure to check the tyres at least once a month.

Poor maintenance of car Tyres Stone is one of the most common causes of car accidents in the UK. Changes occur in tyres naturally with time but, when it is the matter of checking their health, there is a clear unease. This article depicts details about one of many tyre issues i.e. brown sidewalls.

As an impact of the addition of an element called antiozonant to the rubber, the sidewalls of a tyre turn brown. The oxidation process in such elements saves the tyre from early cracking and dying. Tyre browning is otherwise known as tyre blooming.

Thorough protecting and cleaning of tyres can prevent this. This issue may occur due to other causes such as mould releases and Silicone. But, they aren’t the major cause of tyre blooming or browning.

Antiozonant Turn Sidewalls Brown

The antiozonant element pushes itself to the outer casing of the rubber gradually with time and causes tyre blooming. This is because this element, when comes in oxygen contact, gets oxidized leaving a brown residue on the tyre surface.

By slowing down the damage due to oxidation, Antiozonant makes tyres durable. It is organic too. This element enables the manufacturer to produce durable high-mileage tyres that work well for 10 years at least.

The structure of the rubber enables the element to move forward to the surface, which is a benefit of this material. As a result, the tyre remains efficient and resistant to oxygen and UV rays UV/for a longer period.

Silicone factor of Tyre Blooming

Silicone-based tyre dressings don’t make tyres bloom. Dust and dirt are caught on the tyre surface due to the sticky Silicone. As a result of this, the sidewalls of the tyres get brown. The tyre doesn’t bloom but, gets dirty only. 

Using some water and a brush, the colour can be removed with a simple clean in this case. Likewise, special scrubbing and degreasers can be used to remove silicone-based dressings.

Mould Releases behind Tyre Blooming

The sidewalls of a tyre don’t get brown by the mould releases used in the manufacturing of a tyre. However, as they keep antiozonant on the tyre surface, they contribute to the problem. Moreover, the process of oxidation will leave more browning residue if more mould release is left near the external edge of the tyre.

Mould releases are put in tyre moulds and are non-stick lubricants. The ready tyres are released from the form easily by this. Hence, the tyre contains some amount of lubricants on its surface, which may cause blooming just after few miles of driving.

Handling Tyre Blooming

The two ways to cope with tyre blooming are thoroughly protecting and cleaning the tyres. You can get the required outcome if you do both of these.

Car Tyres Cleaning

You must clean the tyres and wheels first as these are the dirtiest part of a car or any vehicle. You must use a proper tyre cleaning agent and brush to clean the tyres. First, the rim and rubber must be dry-cleaned with a brush to remove dry dust and debris from them.

After applying the cleaner, you need to brush the sidewalls of tyres that have turned brown and then the rest of the tyre. After all these, you need to wash the wheels and tyres with a pressure washer to remove the maximum possible dirt from them. 

Car Tyres Protection

You must avail tyre protection after cleaning the Churchill Tyres Stone. Various ways of tyre protection are:

  • Tyre dressing
  • Tyre sealant
  • Tyre wax
  • Solvent-based
  • Water-based

Regular Dressing of Tyre and Cleaning Importance

You will never get rid of tyre browning completely as the sidewalls turn brown continuously. However, tyre blooming can be prevented or its presence can be removed temporarily by protecting and cleaning it. To get the best results, the procedure must be performed at least once a week or as recommended.

The tyre blooming rate varies from tyre to tyre. The tyre type, blend of rubber, driving style, etc. determines it. However, you can prevent blooming and increase the durability of your tyres with proper cleaning and protecting done at regular intervals.


Visit Stone Tyres for more details and purchasing tyres for various ranges of vehicles.